We had a great visit with FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn today, when she joined us for a tour at our sister company, Data Foundry’s, newest data center Texas 2. We shared our thoughts on many topics, including Open Access and privacy.
February 5, 2018There are many definitions for “prism”; the one I like is from the Free Dictionary “a medium that misrepresents whatever is seen through it.” It is therefore interesting that the government would select PRISM as the name for the latest privacy concern to come to light.
June 10, 2013We’re excited to announce our partnership with Protonet’s Free Your Data – a political crowd campaign to help people take back their data from the tracking, collection and selling of user data that’s so prevalent online.
November 19, 2015Policy Highlights offer an in-depth look at pieces of legislation related to the bills we’ve included on our policy scorecards, and provide a way for anyone interested in Internet and technology legislation to dive in and gain an in-depth understanding of the issues.
September 18, 2017Golden Frog is presenting at SXSW this year, and we couldn’t be more excited! Our VP of Sales & Director of Marketing Liz Kintzele will be presenting a panel about privacy and the myth of anonymity online: You Are Not Anonymous: The Myth of Online Privacy.
March 5, 2017